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Delaware Fintech, Business & Financial Services

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Delaware Fintech, Business & Financial Services

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Delaware Fintech, Business & Financial Services

Delaware Fintech and Business Services Create a Global Hub for Leading Financial Institutions and Cutting-Edge Startups

Home to big names like Bank of America, Barclays US Consumer Bank & Barclays Bank Delaware, Capital One, M&T Bank, Marlette Funding, WSFS Bank and JPMorgan Chase, Delaware is a nationwide leader in fintech, business and financial services. The seminal legislation The Financial Management Act of 1981 kickstarted Delaware’s journey to becoming a hub for the financial services sector. Today, financial services is our state’s largest traded sector, and our trusted and sophisticated professional and business services firms–legal, accounting, consulting, and more–make Delaware an ideal corporate destination.

Internationally, Delaware’s business law court system is one of the most trusted and respected. Its distinctive market-centered model relies on experienced judges to review cases as opposed to potentially uninformed or unpredictable juries. Just one more reason why more than 66% of Fortune 500 companies choose Delaware to incorporate.

In the First State, financial investors, consultants, global headquarters and more benefit from our strategic location, internationally trusted business law system, experienced workforce and uncomplicated business climate. We also punch above our weight in innovative technologies, like artificial intelligence, blockchain, cryptocurrency and machine learning, to ensure Delaware firms remain at the forefront of the business and financial services.

Professor Jason James on Delaware’s Diversity
& Why It Attracts Millennials

Delaware’s Position in the Global & National Fintech Landscape

“Fintech,” as a term, is relatively new, but a closer look suggests that all financial services companies are becoming fintech companies, including the well-established incumbents as well as early-stage startups. In fact, some are referring to fintech as a standalone new industry.

To get a better understanding of Delaware’s position within the broader national and global fintech landscape and provide the basis for all ongoing conversations about Delaware’s fintech future, Delaware Prosperity Partnership, the First State Fintech Lab (FSFL), and the University of Delaware’s Institute for Public Administration (IPA) have produced a detailed report – Delaware in a Fintech Future

FSFL is a nonprofit dedicated to nurturing and growing the financial technology ecosystem in Delaware by convening and collaborating across industries, disciplines, and demographics.

IPA at the University of Delaware is a research and public service center that addresses the policy, planning, and management needs of its partners through the integration of applied research, professional development, and the education of tomorrow’s leaders.

Below are the findings of the report from FSFL, IPA and DPP:


  • Global investment in fintech related companies rose from $18.9 billion in 2013 to $111.8 billion in 2018.
  • Delaware accounts for around 75% of all fintech investment in the Philadelphia region. Amounting to around $50 million, this figure, in all probability, does not capture the significant equity investments in fast-growth Delaware firms like Marlette Funding and Fair Square Financial.
  • Although Delaware does not have many locally based venture firms, the First State’s leading banks could provide a competitive advantage given that corporate venture arms accounted for $4.4 billion in fintech investment in the United States in 2018.


  • Between 2009 and 2018, 199 fintech patents were assigned to Delaware-based individuals and companies, ranking first in the United States on a per capita basis.

Employment Concentration

  • Delaware has the highest relative concentration of financial services jobs of any U. S. state.
  • The financial services sector accounts for 9 percent of all jobs in Delaware, a figure nearly twice the U.S. average.
  • The First State also ranks highly in its concentration of technology workers, ranking seventh in the United States, just ahead of California.
  • Wilmington, the hub of Delaware’s financial services industry, accounts for nearly 170,000 financial services workers and more than 100,000 technology workers across the metropolitan labor market.

Firm Trends

  • In Delaware, financial services firms with at least 250 employees accounted for 91 percent of statewide financial services employment in 2017, up from 88 percent in 2007
  • Financial services firms operating for at least 10 years accounted for 93 percent of Delaware’s financial services employment, up from 88 percent in 2007.

Talent Demand

  • Among the 20 financial services firms with the most job openings in 2018, tech positions like software developers, computer systems engineers, information security analysts and more, accounted for nearly one in five openings at those firms, equating to approximately 2,500 openings.

Talent Supply

Delaware is home to a wide range of targeted education and training initiatives, from K–12 programs like Delaware Pathways to a range of postsecondary offerings. It was observed that:

  • The number of graduates across tech-related programs at the University of Delaware increased by approximately 30 percent since 2015
  • Local institutions are working to grow their offerings and enrollments, with potential growth in the CS+X model, pairing computer science with another major, as well as in noncredit offerings where individuals can obtain discrete training and credentials.

Regulatory Innovation

Governments around the country and world are exploring a range of options to encourage fintech investment. More than 40 nations have pursued initiatives to support financial services innovation, from creating new offices designed to interface with fintech companies, to regulatory adjustments, to direct national investments in companies. The CFPB and the CFTC are offering aggressive proposals to modernize regulatory structures for the sector.

Public, Private, and University Investments

To support the fintech industry with the required talent, the public sector, private sector and higher education institutions are entering into creative collaborations. For instance, to meet Amazon’s HQ2 needs, the State of Virginia, Virginia Tech, and a range of additional public and private partners collaborated to create the Virginia Tech Innovation Campus.

Quick Fact

Financial services accounts for 9% of all jobs in Delaware, the highest share of any U.S. state

Delaware has been a longtime leader in financial services, the result of a supportive, pro-business legal environment and favorable tax legislation.

Quick Fact

89% of U.S. based public companies in 2019 chose Delaware as their corporate home

DuPont, Incyte and ILC Dover are among the companies with headquarters in Delaware.

Quick Fact

Delaware was among the first U.S. states to embrace blockchain

Today, Delaware is home to a fast-growing number of diverse startups, corporate leaders and professors revolutionizing the world of business and finance.

Quick Fact

Financial transaction processing has grown by 23% in the past 5 years

Home to more than 40 companies in this sub-sector, Delaware is strategically poised for growth in this emerging industry.

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    Best Egg

    Top ranking Fintech company brings 232 new jobs to Delaware by the end of 2023.

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