Author: Delaware Prosperity Partnership

Delaware COVID-19 Business Survey Continues

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Delaware COVID-19 Business Survey Continues with Second Round

U.S. Efforts Inspire Duplication in Other Countries, Use by United Nations

WILMINGTON, Del. (April 14, 2020) –

A statewide COVID-19 business survey administered twice so far by Delaware Prosperity Partnership and its economic development partners is informing state and national responses to the pandemic and helping the United States inspire the collection and use of such data internationally.

DPP and its partners are continuing to survey Delaware businesses to assess the effects of the COVID-19 crisis, determine how DPP might support them and contribute real-time data to a nationwide discussion of the pandemic. Since DPP’s survey launched in late March, economic developers and organizations in numerous other countries have decided that a common survey instrument would be useful. In addition, the United Nations has expressed interest in a survey to gauge what is happening now – many months before typical economic data would be available.

“Delaware’s was one of the first surveys in the field,” said Kurt Foreman, DPP president and CEO. “DPP is thankful to the chambers of commerce, other business organizations, economic developers and utilities up and down the state for their support in what has become a local, national and global initiative.”

The first round of the Delaware survey was conducted March 20 to 24, before non-essential businesses closed, and had 320 respondents. The second round was conducted from March 31 to April 3 and had 419 respondents. Both rounds saw responses well-distributed both geographically, with all three Delaware counties represented, and in terms of representing key Delaware industry sectors.

Key points in the COVID-19 Business Survey include:

  •  Second-round respondents had laid off or terminated nearly 1,700 employees or about 13 percent of their collective workforce. First-round respondents had laid off 640 workers (about 3 percent).
  • 37 percent of second-round respondents had closed, up from 22 percent in the first round.
  • Second-round respondents still operating were doing so at about 61 percent capacity, on average.
  • 83 percent of second-round respondents experienced a decrease in revenue, up from 72 percent of first-round respondents.
  • On average, second-round respondents indicated they could survive for about 12 weeks – similar to the average of 13 weeks indicated in the first round. The median second-round response was eight weeks, with about 25 percent of respondents indicating they could survive just four weeks or less.
  • 22 percent of second-round respondents had reached out to their banks for bridge financing.
  • 27 percent of second-round respondents had applied for a federal Small Business Administration Economic Disaster Injury Loan.

DPP and its economic development partners will administer the survey again during the coming weeks.

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JustFoodForDogs Opens First East Coast Master Kitchen

Market Disrupter JustFoodForDogs Opens First East Coast Master Kitchen


Expansion in Delaware Amid COVID-19 Crisis – and Already Adding More Jobs

WILMINGTON, Del. (April 14, 2020) —

JustFoodForDogs (JFFD), maker of the number-one veterinarian-recommended fresh food for pets, has opened a 21,000-square-foot master kitchen that will serve as the core of its East Coast supply chain in New Castle, Delaware. The state-of-the-art facility is ramping up to produce about 30,000 pounds of high-quality, fresh pet food per day, and the 50 employees it aimed to hire over three years actually will be on the job within two months. Plans are for 25 more employees to join them soon.

JFFD’s Master Kitchen Opens Despite COVID-19 Pandemic

JFFD opened Rey’s Kitchen, named for the company’s Chief Medical Officer’s dog, on March 23 despite the COVID-19 crisis that has necessitated shutdowns of all but essential businesses and services in Delaware and throughout most of the United States. Pet food manufacturers are considered essential, and the company’s plans for national expansion are progressing despite – and perhaps even because of – the pandemic.

“We’ve seen a huge uptick in demand – it’s part of why the new kitchen is expanding so quickly,” said JFFD Chief Executive Officer Carey Tischler.

“We believe it’s partly due to consumers stocking up on food for their pets in addition to food for themselves – and partly that this crisis is leading a lot of people to consider eating a healthier diet themselves, which encourages them to consider the same for their pets.”

JFFD’s mission is to provide a better quality of life for pets through nutrition. According to Tischler, the company achieves their goals by using only fresh, whole-food ingredients certified for human consumption in veterinarian-formulated recipes that are nutritionally balanced for pets. JFFD’s daily meals underwent humane, year-long in-home feeding trials that were conducted by two independent universities and supervised by veterinarians. The trials proved the recipes promote the healthy function of the immune systems of dogs.

The company also offers a line of a line of veterinary support diets that are prescribed by veterinarians and designed to meet key nutritional factors and that support kidneys, liver, weight, digestion and skin health in dogs. Additionally, the veterinary team creates custom diets for dogs and cats who have complex needs.

Snacks, such as dehydrated chicken breast, beef brisket and more, are also all made from ingredients certified by the USDA for human consumption.

To complement the healthy diets and snacks, supplements designed by the company’s board-certified veterinary toxicologist round out total pet wellness. The supplements address many of the most common ailments found in dogs, from enhancing calm behavior to helping with joint disease, skin conditions, allergies and inflammatory conditions.

JFFD Selected New Castle, Delaware for Its Expansion

JFFD Master Kitchen adding jobs in New Castle DERey’s Kitchen mirrors JFFD’s original West Coast master kitchen in California. It also is only the second such facility among the company’s sites, which include eight open-to-the-public retail kitchens and more than 200 pantries that are located within veterinary clinics and retailers such as Petco and staffed by veterinarian-trained nutritional consultants.

JFFD selected Northern Delaware over New Jersey and other East Coast locations due to the state’s access to transportation infrastructure, a talented workforce and competitive costs related to doing business. The company received a $170,000 performance-based grant from the Delaware Strategic Fund.

“Rey’s Kitchen will be incredibly important to our growth,” Tischler said.

“We currently have about 40 retail locations in the Greater New York metro area, and we plan to keep increasing that number in partnership with veterinary hospitals and strategic retailers. In time, 2021 and beyond, we’ll be exploring expanding into Boston, Philadelphia, more of Delaware and Washington, D.C.”

About Delaware Prosperity Partnership

Created in 2017, Delaware Prosperity Partnership (DPP) brings together the resources, commitment and energy of both public and private sectors to attract, grow and retain companies; to build a stronger entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem; and to support private employers in identifying, recruiting and developing talent in the state of Delaware. For more information, visit

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A Site Selector’s Perspective on Experiencing Delaware & Effects of COVID-19

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A Site Selector’s Perspective

Experiencing Delaware and the Effects of COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic has swept throughout the United States, the entire business landscape has been disrupted. Delaware Prosperity Partnership, however, is continuing its work to attract, grow and retain companies, build a stronger entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem and support private employers in identifying, recruiting and developing talent throughout Delaware. Part of DPP’s work involves engaging with representatives from various sectors of the economic development arena to discuss how the crisis is affecting what they do and what the disruption means to Delaware.

Lindsey Cannon has been a director/site selection consultant with Quest Site Solutions in Greenville, S.C., focusing on industrial manufacturing and distribution, since 2018. She previously worked in site selection with McCallum Sweeney, also in Greenville, S.C., for almost 10 years, and in various roles with the South Carolina Department of Commerce for more than two years.

Before participating in the statewide familiarization tour DPP hosted last year, Cannon had never been to Delaware. Among her takeaways? The fact that you literally can get anywhere in the world from Delaware – and what an asset such convenience is to businesses looking to locate and grow here.

Cannon recently spoke with DPP by telephone to provide her perspective on the COVID-19 crisis and what kind of pivots the pandemic is requiring of the business world.

DPP: Before participating in last year’s Delaware Familiarization Tour, you had never been to Delaware. What struck you the most?

LC: One of the things that really stood out to me was how close you are to Philadelphia International Airport. That was eye-opening and probably the number one item that stood out to me. It really gives you an opportunity to really sell yourself as in, “Delaware may not have its own international airport, but the state doesn’t have all of the expenses and liability that go with running an airport and you still get access to all of those ‘big city’ things.” Even being in the southern part of Delaware, you’re still very, very close to the international airport. From anywhere in Delaware, you can get to the international airport and get around the world.

DPP: This is America’s first experience with a pandemic since 1918. From a site selector’s perspective, what are you experiencing?

LC: For active projects, getting to a good stopping point in the process is what most clients are working toward – so there’s still some activity there currently. For projects that are close to announcement, businesses are hitting the pause button. They still believe they’re going to build the facility, but they don’t want to announce it and then COVID-19 takes longer than projected and they have to reallocate resources in a different direction.

DPP: What are you seeing in manufacturing, the sector you specialize in?

LC: If you look at the heart of the crisis right now, it’s tourism, retail and restaurants that have been hit the hardest. While manufacturing has certainly been impacted, it has not been hit as hard since many of those operations are considered essential. Depending on how long the COVID-19 pandemic continues, though, it could have a substantial impact on the manufacturing and distribution sectors because tourism, retail and restaurants aren’t buying as they did in the past, so that’s going to have an impact on companies.

DPP: What about the supply chain?

LC: I think all companies are going to reassess their supply chains. The pandemic has put a lot of stresses on a variety of industries, and I’m curious to see how supply chains evolve. Because as companies reassess, it may lead to some new opportunities.

DPP: What does the impact to the workforce look like going forward?

LC: Looking at real-time job-posting data, even through all of this, there is not currently a drop in job postings that I would have expected to see. There is definitely a big drop-off, but it’s not as substantial as I expected. It’s going to be interesting for people that have been laid off in these current times. Will they be picked up by “key essential businesses”? Some of those employees may end up working in, say, a manufacturing facility and have benefits they didn’t have before. Some employers – I think it was Costco and a few others – have said, “Hey, we’re giving all of our employees $2 more an hour during this time.” But is that going to set a new precedent? Workers will have adjusted to living on more dollars an hour. So when this is over, will they go find a job where they continue to get that $2 more an hour? It’s going to be extremely interesting to see the impact that has.

DPP: How are the effects of the COVID-19 crisis affecting your daily work?

LC: I’m still working on project work, but I also have been able to cross a few things off my to-do list. Some of them had been on my list for a year or two! I’m trying to personally take advantage of the current situation, because at some point the crisis is going to end. And I think companies are doing what I’m doing, saying, “OK, let’s get everything in order that we can now so that when it’s over, we’re ready to proceed.”

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Site-location Tool Helping Businesses Explore Delaware During COVID-19

DPP Site-location Tool Helping Businesses Explore Delaware Remotely During COVID-19

Businesses seeking to locate or expand in Delaware after COVID-19 restrictions are lifted can explore available Delaware sites now thanks to a powerful online tool that provides information about buildings, labor force and more. The site-location tool is available through Delaware Prosperity Partnership’s new site-location microsite,

Site-location Tool Includes Details Relevant to COVID-19

Also available are details relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic. These include an employment impact measurement based on a Delaware’s mix of industries by county and region. Lists of businesses currently open or temporarily closed, restaurants offering delivery, medical testing centers and businesses participating in gift card stimulus programs are included as well.

“In the best of times, Zoom Prospector makes it easy for anyone to access key data businesses need to make a location decision — everything from demographics to utilities to internet options and key infrastructure,” said Becky Harrington, business development director for Delaware Prosperity Partnership.

“With more than 97 percent of site selection research done online — especially now at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic as companies are asked to postpone visits— the new tool allows developers to see aerial and street-level views of locations, as well as vital workforce information and data on amenities and spending patterns as they prepare to build and grow their businesses once restrictions are lifted.”

Other key data available through Zoom Prospector include:

  • transportation options
  • utility services
  • business development incentives
  • complex data on employment, economic trends and training needs by region

Delaware is Poised to be Economically Stronger than Ever

“When employers have ready access to the data and can see Delaware’s value proposition — especially how our state is poised to get back to work as soon as it is safe to do so — Zoom Prospector will make the business of deciding to Choose Delaware a lot easier,” Harrington said.

“The way this data can be combined, compared and contrasted is flashing a well-deserved spotlight on Delaware and will be an important tool in helping us come back economically stronger than ever.”

About Delaware Prosperity Partnership

Created in 2017, Delaware Prosperity Partnership (DPP) is a nonprofit that leads the state of Delaware’s economic development efforts to attract, grow and retain businesses; to build a stronger entrepreneurial and innovation ecosystem; and to support private employers in identifying, recruiting and developing talent in the state of Delaware. For more information, visit

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CompassRed Uncovers Insights & Predicts Trends

CompassRed: Uncovering Insights, Predicting Trends

Delaware-based Company Navigates Complex World of Data

At 5,000 feet in the air, Patrick Callahan’s plane pitched into a spiral. Suddenly, Callahan lost his sense of direction. Everything was a blur. “I don’t know where I am,” the CompassRed founder told his flying instructor. The pilot, who was teaching Callahan about spin recovery, remained calm. Find the red section on his compass, and all would be well.

Today’s decision-makers often feel similarly disoriented when faced with data. Every search query, every Facebook post and YouTube video contributes to the digital mountain of information.

“Data can be so confusing – it’s everywhere,” says Callahan.

When he decided to start a predictive analytics and insights company, he hearkened back to the basics of navigation. He named the agency CompassRed.

Callahan could have built his business in San Francisco, where he started CompassRed in 2012. But for this adventurous entrepreneur, Delaware was a better choice.

“You can build a massive company in Delaware and service everyone who is two hours away by train – New York, Boston and Washington, D.C.,” he says.

At the same time, he notes, it’s still an affordable place to raise a family.

A Passion for Information

Born in Flint, Michigan, Callahan spent his early life in New Orleans. He moved to Philadelphia to study business and economics at Drexel University, where he met his future wife, Jennifer. After graduating from Widener University School of Law, Callahan practiced for six months.

“I did not like it all,” he says.

He felt the opposite way about data and analytics. In the 1990s, he worked for Andersen Consulting, Hesta Data Systems and Proximitree. In 2003, Callahan and Lee Mikles founded the Archer Group, a digital marketing agency, in Wilmington.

Archer – whose clients included Wawa, the convenience store and gas chain – broke new ground. But by 2011, the partners were ready for new challenges. They passed the company’s daily management to their other two partners and, in early 2020, Archer was acquired by Chicago-based Bounteous.

Seeking new opportunities, Callahan and his family packed up a U-Haul and drove across the country to San Francisco. He and his wife took sailing lessons, and he took flying lessons. But it wasn’t all fun and games: Callahan was mining the high-tech area for inspiration.

“I went to Meetups,” he recalls. “I took every meeting I could with people in different careers.”

He even started Meetups for data buffs, one of which attracted 500 people. Callahan was onto something. Gnip, a social media application programming interface (API) aggregation company, paid him to organize similar meetings, including one in London.

In 2011, the West Coast was indeed a hub for tech innovation. But after starting CompassRed, Callahan realized that the East Coast was a better place to scale his business.

“In San Francisco, a startup is a small business in a massive pond,” he says. “The resources were so expensive – salaries were three times the amount.”

In Delaware, he could raise his two children and rub shoulders with influential legislators who had just as much impact as their colleagues in California. Fortunately, the family had kept their Delaware residence.

Coming Home to Delaware

Initially, CompassRed focused on social media data, which can drive revenue. But real insight comes from combining relevant data, Callahan says. For instance, if you tried to predict baseball fan attendance in the future, you might consider the past attendance given the opposing teams, the game dates – weekday or weekend – the time of day and the division rank.

To sort through these complex piles of digital information requires data analysts, data scientists and data visualization experts, along with technologists. CompassRed currently has a team of about 15 and uses contractors as needed. In 2015, Darren Mahoney, who was formerly with Capital One, became his business partner.

“He and I used to run marathons together and dream about the agency we always wanted,” Callahan says.

The staff is comfortable with algorithms, predictive analytics, machine learning and artificial intelligence.

“Data science provides insights,” he explains. “Machine learning offers predictions, and artificial intelligence lets you act on those predictions.”

Data science, for instance, can determine if there is a need for a self-driving car. Machine learning predicts how and when the car would engage in certain functions, and AI controls the car’s action based on those predictions.

Most customers want to know “where the money will be saved or made,” Callahan says. Consequently, CompassRed often works closely with product managers. Frequently, CompassRed helps knit the operation and marketing sides of a business together, whereas, in the past, they functioned in separate silos. The technology, however, does not replace the human decision-maker, he notes.

If all goes as planned, CompassRed will move to CSC Station in Wilmington later this year. Owned by Delaware-based CSC, a global company, the former Pennsylvania Railroad Building is next to the Joseph R. Biden Jr. Railroad Station.

The location will give CompassRed easy access to clients and talent, both of whom might live in Philadelphia. For Callahan, however, Delaware is the perfect place to work, live and enjoy arts, culture and other amenities.

“You can quietly live an exciting life and benefit from some incredible resources,” he says. “I don’t know any place quite like this.”

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Survey Reveals COVID-19 Crisis Impact on Delaware Businesses

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Survey Reveals How COVID-19 Crisis is Impacting Businesses in Delaware

Delaware Prosperity Partnership and economic development partners throughout Delaware’s three counties have launched a survey to assess how Delaware businesses are being affected by the COVID-19 crisis. According to DPP economic research director John Taylor, conducting this baseline research and then going back into the market to continue to survey will help inform all of Delaware’s economic development partners about what Delaware businesses are experiencing and how DPP might pivot to support them. 

DPP will share the survey results with a national economic development survey now under way. Doing so will ensure that Delaware’s experience is documented nationally and will help inform the national dialogue on COVID-19 and business.

Kurt Foreman, president and CEO of DPP, is encouraged by how Delaware economic development partners have supported the survey.

“In this unprecedented time of challenge and crisis, 320 businesses from throughout all three counties invested the time to take the survey,” Foreman said. “This information provides an important baseline that we can continue to track as we navigate COVID-19 in Delaware.”

The first survey was conducted March 20 to 24, before non-essential businesses closed. The second survey will be in the field the week of March 30.

Some key points from the first round of the survey include: 

  • Responses were well-distributed geographically throughout the state.
  • All key Delaware industry sectors were represented.
  • The accommodation and food services industry accounted for about one-quarter of job losses among survey respondents, but other local services industries like arts, entertainment and recreation; retail trade; and other services also had notable job losses.
  • The healthcare sector reported job losses among chiropractors, physical therapists and dental and eye care.
  • 72 percent of respondents indicated that their revenue has decreased, with revenues down across all industries. More than 90 percent of accommodation and food services respondents saw revenue declines of more than 70 percent. Finance and insurance; information; professional, scientific and technical services; real estate; and construction reported decreases in the 20 to 50 percent range.

Resiliency During the COVID-19 Crisis

On average, respondents indicated they could survive the current business slowdown/closure for about 13 weeks. However, this average includes some larger companies that could weather the slowdown much longer, as well as small businesses that could only survive a few weeks. A total of 54 percent of respondents indicated that they do not have standing lines of credit to help bridge this business slowdown. Chief among the top concerns expressed by respondents was access to capital. Respondents also expressed a fear of recession and decreased consumer confidence and spending. 

DPP and its economic development partners statewide will continue to survey businesses for updates.

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Just the Beginning for Prelude Therapeutics

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Just the Beginning for Prelude Therapeutics Founder

Kris Vaddi is Ready to Take Delaware-based Biopharmaceutical Company to the Next Level

Kris Vaddi, Ph.D., is not a native Delawarean, but in many respects, his exceptional career was born here. Vaddi is the founder and CEO of Prelude Therapeutics, an early stage biopharmaceutical company. Previously, he was the vice president of Incyte Corporation. Both are based in Wilmington, Delaware.

Since its launch in 2016, Prelude has outgrown its space two times. That pace is expected to continue. In 2019, the Council on Development Finance approved Prelude for a total of $834,090 in grants. (The company received nearly $500,000 from the state in 2017.)

The recent grants, which come from the Delaware Strategic Fund, are contingent upon Prelude meeting hiring goals by 2022. Currently, there are about 50 employees. “I could easily see adding another 50 people,” Vaddi says.

New hires will include scientists and skilled associates researching the drivers of cancer cell growth and survival, as well as treatment resistance. Prelude has two clinical trials in progress. Sites include the Helen F. Graham Cancer Center in Newark, Delaware, which is part of ChristianaCare, and Thomas Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia.

It is easy to see why Prelude Therapeutics was named to the Fierce BioTech’s 2019 “Fierce 15.” “It is a big deal—a badge of honor,” Vaddi says of the recognition. “It attracts investors willing to help a company grow.”

Prelude Therapeutics Founder Comes Full Circle

For Vaddi, Prelude Therapeutics is a dream come true. “I always wanted to start a company,” he says. “I wanted to create something that would reflect how I think about the world—but I didn’t want to just jump into it.” Instead, he patiently accumulated experience.

Vaddi—who earned doctorate degrees from Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University in India and the University of Florida—joined DuPont Merck in 1993 as a post-doctorate fellow. He was particularly interested in studying white blood cells, which protect the body against infectious disease and foreign invaders. A proliferation indicates a disorder.

When the fellowship was complete, he moved to a company in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Then a job opened up with DuPont Pharmaceuticals in 1999. “It was a very exciting opportunity to come back to Delaware,” he says. “And I’ve not left.”

In 2001, after Bristol-Myers Squibb acquired DuPont Pharmaceuticals, Vaddi and his colleagues began seeking other prospects. Enter Incyte, a genomics company based in Palo Alto, California.

Incyte, already a public company, had the capital and a pressing need to change direction. Pharmaceutical companies were no longer interested in paying top dollar for genomic databases. Incyte needed a fresh infusion of ideas, and the former DuPont employees had them.

“It was an opportunity to reinvent Incyte, and we said we would do it, if we could do it in Delaware,” Vaddi recalls. “We were a very, very small team—just a handful of people.”

The reinvention resulted in Jakafi, the first federally approved medication for two bone marrow disorders: myelofibrosis and polycythemia vera.

By 2014, Vaddi had gone part time to explore interests that he’d “put on the back burner,” including not-for-profit initiatives. “I still consider Incyte my baby,” he says. “Many of my good friends still work there.”

In early 2016, however, investors felt the time was right for Vaddi to start his own company. At the same time, there was available lab space on the University of Delaware STAR Campus. “The stars aligned,” says Vaddi, who opened Prelude with $5 million in seed funding. In 2017, the company moved to the Delaware Innovation Space, which was previously the DuPont Experimental Station.

Vaddi was back in the Delaware labs where he’d started.

Poised for Expansion in Delaware

The experimental station was designed to hold labs, not corporate offices. To accommodate Prelude’s growth, the company rented 5,000 square feet of space a few miles away. The year 2020 is a pivotal one for the company, which will need to expand again. Ideally, any new offices would be in the Wilmington, Delaware, area.

“I’ve developed good relationships with many people in Delaware,” Vaddi says. “I work very closely with the University of Delaware—I mentor students there.”

He also values the quality of life.

Indeed, the state has been “amazing in every respect,” he continues. “I love the proximity to Philadelphia and the ease with which I can travel to New York, where my investors are.”

Delaware is surrounded by universities with hirable talent, biotech companies and the contract research organizations that support early stage companies, he says. The Delaware Innovation Space is a nurturing incubator that gives small companies a sense of community, as well as cutting-edge equipment.

If you need further proof that Delaware is a hospitable place for business, look at the success of Incyte. Prelude seems on track to follow in that company’s success. And, no doubt, that is because Vaddi is at the helm.

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Delaware COVID-19 Business Support Resources and Updates

COVID-19 Business Support Resources and Updates

COVID-19 is rapidly reshaping the business landscape throughout Delaware, the nation and the world. Conditions are changing on a day-to-day, hour-by-hour basis, and Delaware’s government, healthcare, business and nonprofit sectors are working around the clock to help contain COVID-19 and support Delawareans.

Throughout the pandemic, Delaware Prosperity Partnership remains open for business. Virtual meetings are being scheduled both to maintain momentum on future development and to assist with response and the eagerly awaited recovery in the aftermath of COVID-19.

Here are resources to assist you as we move forward.

Delaware COVID-19 Resources

Governor Carney Lifts COVID-19 State of Emergency — Governor John Carney on Tuesday signed an order that lifts the COVID-19 State of Emergency effective at 6:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 1. Click here to learn more.

Governor Carney on Thursday announced a new State of Emergency Declaration and Public Health Emergency –  In order to combat the winter surge of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations, the State of Emergency will take effect January 3, 2022. Visit this link to learn more. Click here for Governor Carney’s Public Health Emergency extension.

Governor Carney, Lt. Governor Hall-Long Announce Community Investment Recovery Fund for Delaware Nonprofits
Recovery Fund will provide funding for one-time capital projects in communities hard hit by COVID-19; Application for funding now available. Click here to learn more.

Governor Carney, Lt. Governor Hall-Long Announce $50M American Rescue Plan (ARPA) Investment in Jobs Training. Investments will expand Forward Delaware, and fund Pathways 2.0, which will expand the Pathways program to reach more than 6,000 Delaware middle school students and 80 percent of Delaware high school students. Click here to learn more.

Governor Carney Announces Vaccine or Testing Requirement for Educators. Governor John Carney, the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH), and the Delaware Department of Education (DOE) announced on Tuesday that educators, school staff, contractors, and volunteers who work in K-12 public and private schools must get vaccinated for COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing. Click here to learn more.

Division of Small Business Announces Market Pressure Relief Fund Available for State Contractors. The  Market Pressure Relief Fund is designed to assist state contractors facing increased costs for construction materials due to the pandemic. Beginning Monday, July 19, contractors can download the application for the Market Pressure Relief Fund on the Division of Small Business’ website at The deadline to apply for funding is September 30, 2021. Additional information and eligibility requirements for the relief fund can be found at

Governor Carney and Dr. Rattay on Delaware Reaching 70 Percent Vaccination Goal. Governor John Carney and Dr. Karyl Rattay, Director of the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH), released the following statements on Delaware reaching 70 percent of adults with at least one shot of the COVID-19 vaccine. Click here to read the full announcement.

Governor Carney, DPH, DEMA Announce Community COVID-19 Testing Sites. The list of community testing sites includes pop-up and Curative trailer sites, as well as community sites hosted by New Castle County and Henrietta Johnson Medical Center. Click here to read the full announcement.

Governor Carney Signs 29th Modification, Eliminates Distancing and Mask Mandate. Effective May 21st, Delaware modifies social distancing requirements and removes Delaware’s mask mandate. Delawareans, visitors, and Delaware businesses should follow social distancing and masking guidance for fully vaccinated individuals. Click here to read the full announcement.

Governor Carney, DPH Announce  Major Changes to COVID-19 Restrictions. Effective May 21, most capacity restrictions lifted; Delawareans should follow CDC mask guidance outdoors; larger events still require plan approval from DPH. Click here to read the announcement.

Governor Carney Announces  COVID-19 Vaccination Program Fully Open. Medical providers, hospital systems may vaccinate Delawareans 16+ without high-risk medical conditions. To view details of the Delaware COVID-19 vaccination program visit

Delaware Governor John Carney Announces Pop-Up Testing Locations for COVID-19 Vaccinations. DEMA has coordinated community sites this week in addition to sites at Walgreens and at various hospitals and health care locations. Delawareans can view a full list of COVID-19 testing locations at   

Delaware Governor John Carney COVID-19 Vaccination Program Open to Delawareans 16+ with Delaware having administered 502,927 doses of COVID-19 vaccine as of Monday, April 5, 2021.  Click here to view details.

Governor Carney, DPH, DEMA announce Community COVID-19 Testing Sites listing community testing sites throughout Delaware next week. Testing locations include pop-up and Curative trailer sites, as well as community sites hosted by New Castle County and Henrietta Johnson Medical Center. Click here to view details.

Governor Carney and DSHA Announce Reopening of COVID-19 Rental Assistance Program with $200 million in financial assistance available to Delawareans struggling to pay rent due to COVID-19 crisis. Click here to learn more.

Governor Carney and the Delaware Division on Public Health (DPH) announced an expansion of Delaware’s COVID-19 vaccination program to Delawareans 50+ or 16+ with high- and moderate-risk medical conditions. Click here to learn more. 

Governor Carney Announces COVID-19 Emergency Declaration update on Occupancy Limits Increase in restaurants, retail; tournaments can resume with a plan. Click here to view details.

DE Relief Grants Application Portal to Reopen on Jan. 19 – Repayment forgiveness program announced for grantees that did not experience reduced revenue in 2020. Click here to view details.

Governor Carney Announces Additional Relief Funding for Small Businesses, Arts Organization (December 21, 2020). Click here to view details.

Governor Carney and DPH announce Delaware Begins COVID-19 Vaccinations in Long-Term Care Facilities (December 16, 2020). Click here to view details.

Governor John Carney Issues an Omnibus Modification to the State of Emergency Declaration combining all active COVID-19 restrictions into a single order. Click here to view the order. 

Governor John Carney Announces Stay-at-Home Advisory, Universal Indoor Mask Order. Click here to read the message from Governor Carney on COVID-19.

Governor John Carney, the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH), and the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) announced the list of community testing sites throughout Delaware this week. For a full calendar of testing sites in Delaware go to:

Forward Delaware, a new statewide rapid retraining program created in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, will prepare workers for new careers or new skills in IT, healthcare, transportation, logistics and construction via short-term certification studies. Learn more here.  

Round 2 of DE State Relief Grant funding of up to $100,000 is open to applications from Delaware small businesses and nonprofits affected by COVID-19. Details are at

The Pandemic Resurgence Advisory Committee Report, which will inform the effort to plan for a potentially dangerous resurgence of COVID-19, has been delivered to Governor John Carney by PRAC co-chairs Lieutenant Governor Bethany Hall-Long and Secretary of State Jeff Bullock. Read the report at

State of Delaware Announces School Testing Locations – Governor John Carney on Friday, October 2, 2020, announced pop-up school testing locations as many schools prepare to return to school for in-person learning as part of their hybrid return-to-school plan.

CORRECTION: The DE Relief Grants HelpLine phone number is 302-672-6816The portal opens at 10 AM on October 1, 2020, for the second round of DE Relief Grants applications. 

ChristianaCare service gives employers workplace confidence with its CareVio program. Learn more here:

State of Delaware Launches COVID Alert DE Mobile App: Free app uses Google/Apple platform and protects user privacy

Governor John Carney, the Delaware Division of Public Health (DPH), and the Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA) on Friday announced updates to the State of Delaware’s testing strategy, expanding access to free COVID-19 statewide and providing consistent options for Delawareans to get tested. 

The State of Delaware will shift COVID-19 testing from mobile to fixed sites beginning Monday, September 14, 2020.  The transition to more permanent, fixed testing sites will expand testing opportunities and provide more testing locations across the state. 

Testing sites will be located in several areas throughout Delaware, and include eight (8) drive-through Walgreens locations (five of them newly added), five (5) State Service Center sites; and six (6) Public Health clinics. Testing services will be offered five to seven days per week, depending on the location.  

View the new fixed testing site locations by county.

Find COVID-19 testing sites statewide.

Small businesses and nonprofits planning to apply for DE Relief Grants are invited to attend county-specific information webinars on the program hosted by the Delaware Division of Small Business on August 26. Click here for the Zoom links.

Delaware Small Business Relief Grant Program, a joint initiative of the State of Delaware and New Castle County funded by the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act, will provide least $100 million to more than 3,000 Delaware small businesses and nonprofit organizations affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Grants will range from $30,000 to $100,000 and be administered by the Division of Small Business, which will begin accepting applications in early September. 

Governor John Carney announces the reopening of the Delaware Housing Assistance Program, which provides financial help to renters affected by COVID-19, and an emergency mortgage assistance program for homeowners who have missed payments due to the pandemic.  Click here to view Governor Carney’s Announcement on COVID-19 Housing Assistance Programs 

To view details on the Delaware Housing Assistance Program (DE HAP) visit this link:  Delaware State Housing Authority (DSHA)

Governor John Carney Creates Workforce Development Program for Unemployed and Underemployed Delawareans  – Click here to read Governor Carney’s Executive Order #43.

Governor Makes 24th Modification to COVID-19 State of Emergency Declaration

Delaware Department of Labor Issues Guidelines for Employers and Employees Regarding Returning to Work announcement

Return to Work Guidelines During COVID-19 document

UPDATED – COVID-19 Testing Events in Delaware

Delaware Phase 2 Guidelines 

Delaware Division of Tourism Business Marketing Academy (Code: DiscoverDE)

Delaware Division of Small Business printable signs for reopening

Delaware Division of Small Business Customer Protection Standards

Creating a Comeback Plan for Your Restaurant: Preparing for a Strong Opening

Delaware’s Reopening PHASE 1 Guidelines

ChristianaCare’s COVID-19 Employee Symptom Monitoring and Virtual Care Program

Steps the self-employed and independent contractors should take to register for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance benefits in Delaware

State of Delaware Official Coronavirus Website

The State of Delaware Resources for Business page may be accessed here.

Information about and an application for the Delaware Hospitality Emergency Loan Program (HELP) are here.

Delaware has been approved for U.S. Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans. A fact sheet is here, and application details are here.

The Delaware Division of Small Business chart “Which loan program is right for my business?” is here.

Details about the Main Street Lending Program of the Federal Reserve, which will enhance support for small and mid-sized businesses by offering four-year loans to companies employing up to 10,000 workers or with revenues of less than $2.5 billion, are here.

The State of Delaware Essential and Non-Essential Businesses Spreadsheet is here.

The Delaware Division of Health and Social Services Division of Public Health “Coronavirus Business Briefing” is here.

Access the Delaware Division of Small Business website’s COVID-19 page here.

FINANTA, a Philadelphia-based nonprofit that serves all three counties in Delaware, is offering emergency loans of $5,000 to $15,000. Access FINANTA’s website here.

The Delaware Division of Unemployment Insurance‘s COVID-19 FAQs are available here.

Delaware Joblink, a service of the Delaware Department of Labor, is offering a special COVID-19 job-search portal here.

Details about the Delaware State Housing Authority‘s Renter Assistance Program are here and its Housing Assistance Program are here.

Information about the steps Delmarva Power is taking to support customers are here.

The Delaware Restaurant Association has formed the Restaurant Industry Emergency Action Trust to provide immediate funding to hospitality workers displaced by statewide shutdowns. Donate or apply for help here

Read about the list of products and services needed from suppliers to aid in combating the COVID-19 outbreak that is being developed by World Trade Center Delaware here.

The Delaware Manufacturing Extension Partnership‘s “Solutions for Manufacturing Companies, Healthcare & Service Providers and Government” page may be accessed here.

The Medical Society of Delaware brief “Delaware Unemployment Guidance During COVID-19” may be accessed here.

United Way of Delaware and Delaware Health and Human Services sponsors Delaware 2-1-1, a free, confidential referral and information site that connects people to essential financial, domestic, health and disaster-related resources. Access the website here and a brief on specific COVID-19 food, utilities and health assistance here.

The Delaware Division of Small Business has prepared a map showing businesses in New Castle, Kent and Sussex counties that the public can patronize during the statewide COVID-19 stay-home order. To add your business to the map, email the business name and physical address to the Division.

Anchor Security Team is offering free phishing training throughout the COVID-19 outbreak to help protect the community, businesses and individuals from the skyrocketing number of phishing attacks that have occurred since the pandemic started.

A list of the eight free outside Wi-Fi hotspots being made available to those without in-home internet access by New Castle County, Verizon and Assurance Media is available here.

A list of the five free outside Wi-Fi hotspots being made available to those without in-home internet access in Wilmington thanks to WhyFly and the City of Wilmington is available here.

Tech Impact is offering free remote work training webinars on topics such as nonprofit communications, tech committees, donor management software and online survey tools and techniques. Details are here.

A list of Delaware Department of Education student nutrition sites is available here.

Philanthropy Delaware‘s page of links to funding programs and other resources for nonprofit organizations and creative and performing arts individuals and organizations is here.

The Women’s Leadership Initiative of the University of Delaware‘s Alfred Lerner College of Business and Economics is offering the free webinar series “Leadership in Times of Crisis.” Details and registration are here.

Delaware Business News

Delaware launches job retraining program – Delaware Business Times, October 7, 2020
Delaware to invest $20M in broadband access, expansion – Delaware Business Times, August 24, 2020 

Third Extension – Declaration of a State of, June 6,2020

Businesses begin slow process of reopeningDelawareLive, June 4, 2020

Phase I: Most Delaware business can reopen with restrictions6ABC, June 1, 2020

Ready to roll: Delaware businesses begin Phase 1 openingDelaware State News, May 31, 2020

New business will clean and sanitize your outdoor trash cansWDEL, May 31, 2020

Phase 1: Retail gets green light with some restrictions, but not everyone will be opening at onceNews Journal / DelawareOnline, May 29, 2020

As Delaware reopens, here’s what’s open and the rulesNews Journal / DelawareOnline, May 28, 2020

Newark based biopharma institute gets $8.9 million coronavirus grantDelaware Business Now, May 28, 2020

AstraZenaca receives $1B to advance COVID-19 vaccineDelaware Business Times, May 27, 2020

NIIMBL gets $1M to lead expansion of COVID-19 testing, diagnosticsDelaware Business Times, May 26, 2020

Coronavirus update: Delaware hotels can reopen, outdoor gatherings up to 250 permittedWHYY, May 26, 2020

Coronavirus update: Carney ready to reopen Delaware’s economy graduallyWHYY, May 25, 2020

Applications now being taken for coronavirus contact tracing positions, Delaware Business Now, May 24, 2020

Wilmington teams up with local nonprofits to give free reusable face masks SaturdayNews Journal / DelawareOnline, May 23, 2020

State launches COVID-19 education for beachgoers, Delaware Business Now, May 22, 2020

Boy Scouts partner with Highmark Blue Cross Blue Shield on coronavirus victory gardensCoastal Point, May 21, 2020

$67 million federal laboratory grant aims to improve Delaware’s coronavirus responseDelaware Business Now, May 21, 2020

Bayhealth begins return to pre-COVID-19 operationsMilford Live, May 21, 2020

Delaware loosens coronavirus restrictions on retailersNBC10, May 20, 2020

How coronavirus is hitting Delaware’s farmersNews Journal / DelawareOnline, May 20, 2020

Wilmington mayor optimistic city can survive economic impact of coronavirus crisisDelaware Public Media, May 19, 2020

Retailers in Delaware can open by appointment, in addition to curbside pickup, starting WednesdayNews Journal / DelawareOnline, May 19, 2020

Coronavirus update: Delaware issues Phase 1 reopening guidelinesWHYY, May 15, 2020

Dine in restaurant openings coming sooner rather than laterDelaware Business Now, May 13, 2020

Back to Basics offers free educational resourcesDelaware Business Now, May 13, 2020

Gene-editing tech CRISPR could be used to test for coronavirus and find who is most at-riskDelaware Public Media, May 13, 2020

University of Delaware’s ‘new normal’ to look a lot differentWDEL, May 12, 2020

Coronavirus Delaware: Rehoboth Beach to reopen beach, boardwalk with limitations FridayCBS3, May 12, 2020

Delaware to reopen farmers markets with new safety measuresThe Newark Post, May 12, 2020

200 to be hired for Delaware coronavirus contact tracing programDelaware Business Now, May 11, 2020

Delaware farmers markets to open under new COVID-19, May 11, 2020

Delaware takes first steps toward reopeningCape Gazette, May 8, 2020

Super-sanitized Delaware hair salon serves grateful customersWHYY, May 8, 2020

Fully reopening dental offices is like pulling teethDelaware Business Times, May 8, 2020

Delaware Prosperity Partnership president optimistic about first step toward reopeningDelaware Public Media, May 7, 2020

Self-employed, independent contractors can file for unemployment this weekNews Journal / DelawareOnline, May 7, 2020

Clock ticking for many businesses facing steep sales declinesDelaware Business Now, May 7, 2020

City of Wilmington to distribute masks to some residentsDelaware Public Media, May 6, 2020 uses crowdfunding to help small businesses, with a twist –, May 4, 2020

Labware rolling out test kit to address nationwide data collection gapsDelaware Business Times, May 4, 2020

ACME Foundation donates $10K to Salvation Army COVID-19 relief effortsThe Dover Post, May 1, 2020 

Building it better together: Finding a job in Delaware – 6ABC, April 30, 2020

Dept. of Insurance helps Delawareans connect with COVID-19 auto breaksDelaware Public Media, April 29, 2020

Amish families donate 3,000 hand-sewn masks to Nemours Hospital for ChildrenNews Journal /, April 28, 2020

Delaware business owners face uncertainty about reopeningAssociated Press, April 28, 2020

ILC Dover adding up to 50 people to meet soaring demand for respiratorDelaware Business Times, April 23, 2020

WhyFly is helping Wilmington provide free Wi-Fi hotspots for, April 22, 2020

Incyte approved to test Jafaki as COVID-19 treatmentDelaware Public Media, April 20, 2020

State’s H.E.L.P. loan program raises annual sales ceiling for restaurants to $15 millionDelaware Business Now, April 16, 2020

Meet Delaware’s voice for businesses in the Eastern governors COVID-19 task, April 14, 2020

There’s $9M in funds available for Downtown Development District projects, April 14, 2020

State announces plans for additional alternate care siteCoastal Point, April 14, 2020

How NASCAR tracks are helping during COVID-19 pandemicYahoo! News, April 14, 2020

Delaware to work with regional states on how to reopen in midst of coronavirus pandemicNews Journal /, April 14, 2020

Bayhealth on front lines of COVID-19 crisisMilford Live, April 13, 2020

‘The house is still on fire’: Delaware joining regional task force to address reopening states post COVID-19WDEL, April 13, 2020

Delaware to work with group of Northeast states to plan reopening economyDelaware Public Media, April 13, 2020

Businesses considering a move to Delaware can still look —, April 13, 2020

Commentary: Energy grants can empower Delaware communitiesDelaware State News, April 13, 2020

Governor Carney and five governors announce multi-state council to get people back to work and restore the economy –, April 13, 2020

Grants awarded from two community COVID-19 fundsDelaware Business Times, April 12, 2020

Wesley offers Easter food baskets to Bayhealth employeesDelaware State News, April 12, 2020

Stepping up in the COVID-19 war: CyberStreets, WSFS, Bloom Energy, Columbus Inn/Charcoal PitDelaware Business Now, April 12, 2020

Coronavirus Delaware: Disaster recovery company expands business operations to cleaning vehicles to fight COVID-19 – CBS 3 Philly, April 11, 2020

Business survey provides snapshot of layoffs, closures as COVID-19 shutdown bites harderWDDE Delaware Public Media, April 10, 2020

Opinion: Craft-Brewed Hand Sanitizer – New York Times, April 8, 2020

Millions of dollars flow to Delaware medical research amid coronavirus pandemicNews Journal, April 4, 2020

Highmark Delaware commits $200,000 to Delaware COVID-19 initiativeDelaware State Chamber of Commerce, April 3, 2020

Chesapeake Utilities Corporation donating $200,000 to support communities during coronavirus, April 2, 2020

Demand will be higher than anticipated for biopharmaceutical manufacturing, March 31, 2020

DRBA donates 4,000 N95 respirator masks and 2,000 pair nitrile disposable gloves in Delaware and New, March 30, 2020

How I Work (from Home): Investment portfolio manager and futurist Jim Lee,, March 30, 2020

Supporting Delaware’s Small Businesses through COVID-19First State Insights podcast, March 28, 2020

FMC donates 165,000 masks to Philadelphia-area hospitalsPhiladelphia Business Journal, March 27, 2020

Brandywine High students using 3D printers to help meet need for mask in coronavirus fight, The News Journal, March 27, 2020

DuPont expediting production of hazmat suits for health care, March 26, 2020

Gov. Carney announces request for assistance from vendors: State requests private-sector assistance to supply products and services to assist with COVID-19, March 25, 2020

Keep calm … and small business onDelaware Business Times, March 24, 2020

The critical time is this week: Why we must follow Carney’s order to stay home (Opinion)The News Journal, March 23, 2020

Sharing critical supplies: UD donates gloves, masks and other personal protective, March 23, 2020

Can’t find hand sanitizer? Delaware distilleries might be here to helpDelaware Today, March 20, 2020

Del. farmers see growth amid pandemic – Delaware Business Times, March 19, 2020

Small business owners: Keep an eye out for possible coronavirus loan, March 19, 2020

Del. Department of Labor adjusts unemployment rules for hospitality workers amid coronavirus, March 18, 2020

How to set up online gift cards for your small, March 17, 2020

Google My Business tips to keep customers, March 2020

Additional Help


U.S. Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans

U.S. Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program

U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business & Entrepreneurship Guide to the CARES Act

U.S. Department of Agriculture Measures to Help Rural Residents, Businesses and Communities Affected by COVID-19

FDIC Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources for Bankers and Customers

America’s SBDC COVID-19 Small Business Resources

U.S. Chamber of Commerce Resources to Help Your Small Business Survive the Coronavirus

U.S. Department of Labor Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employer Paid Leave Requirements

International Economic Development Council COVID-19 Stimulus Bill Summary

Restaurant Opportunities Center United Relief

Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation COVID-19 Crisis Relief Fund

DoorDash COVID-19 Financial Assistance Program

United States Bartenders Guild Bartender Emergency Assistance Program

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Interim Guidance for Businesses and Employers to Plan and Respond to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

CDC Foundation Emergency Relief Fund

U.S. Department of Transportation National Emergency Declaration for Commercial Vehicles Delivering Relief in Response to the Coronavirus Outbreak

Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration CDL Waiver

American Trucking Associations COVID-19 Update Hub

U.S. Food and Drug Administration Food Safety and the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Page

U.S. Department of the Treasury Coronavirus Page

World Health Organization

National Science Foundation

SSTI (State Science and Technology Institute) Resources for Small Businesses Dealing with COVID-19

Understanding the Paycheck Protection Program


The Lonely Entrepreneur’s free survival guide for volatile economic times

These 5 tech companies are providing free remote working tools during the coronavirus outbreak

Facebook announces $100 million program for smalls businesses impacted by coronavirus (Sign up for updates until the application period opens at Facebook Small Business Grants Program)

JPMorgan Chase makes $50 million philanthropic investment to help address immediate and long-term impacts of COVID-19 (including $8 million to assist small businesses)

Help wanted: Grocery stores, pizza chains and Amazon are hiring


Video: “How to Network Virtually When You Can’t in Person” with Brooke Miles of Delaware ShoutOut

The best ways to professionally network while socially distancing during coronavirus

How to survive working from home — when the kids are home, too

Try these tips to keep your cool at home

Top tech tools to keep your team connected during coronavirus

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Coronavirus Info for Delaware Small Business

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Coronavirus Information for Delaware Small Business

Delaware state of United States flagDelaware’s Division of Small Business has a special one-stop resource for small businesses dealing with COVID-19.  If you are a small business and want the latest, click here.

Read about Gov. John Carney’s Hospitality Emergency Loan Program initiative here.

The United States Small Business Administration’s “Small Business Guidance and Loan Resources” page is here.

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Prosperity & Purpose: Year in Review 2019

Prosperity & Purpose: Year in Review 2019

March 2020 

Prosperity & Purpose: Year in Review 2019 is DPP’s first annual report. For a snapshot of the DPP team’s accomplishments, please click on the image to view a flipbook. Comments or questions? We want to hear from you — please email

To download a PDF copy of the Report, please click this link: Prosperity & Purpose: Year in Review 2019 (PDF).

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ChemTech Conference Attracts Digital Experts

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ChemTech Conference Attracts Digital Experts

March 5, 2020 –

Delaware Seeks to be a Leader in Digital Transformation

With a legacy of innovation that dates back to the early 19th century, Delaware is a microcosm of global trends in the chemical industry, said Kurt Foreman, president and CEO of the Delaware Prosperity Partnership (DPP), which leads the state’s economic development efforts.

Delaware is home to some of the world’s largest and most respected chemical, biochemical, advanced materials and agriscience companies. As a result, it was an ideal setting for ChemTech Conference 2020, a two-day event on the Wilmington Riverfront. “We are positioned to be a leader in chemtech going forward,” Foreman told the attendees.

Organized by the Delaware Sustainable Chemistry Alliance (DESCA) and sponsored in part by DPP, the conference attracted heavy hitters such as DuPont, Agilent and Siemens. However, the 130 registrants came from all over the United States.

Dr. Bryan Tracy, CEO of White Dog Labs and chairman of the DESCA board, set the tone in his opening remarks. “The chemical industry is no longer about making more plants,” he said. “It’s about selling more products in a precise fashion.” Companies are looking to work faster and reduce the cost of innovation while influencing customer habits and better connecting with them through social media. And, of course, they are concerned about cybersecurity.

Artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT), advanced analytics, machine learning and blockchain are transforming the way companies do business. They are critical to the future of the chemical and bioscience industries, the conference speakers agreed.

From Baby Steps to Giant Leaps

The chemical industry prioritized digitalization long after many industries, said keynote speaker Dr. Frank Jenner, global chemical industry leader for EY (Ernst & Young). That’s changed, according to the survey “DigiChem SurvEY 2019.”

The study, which involved interviews with 101 top management members and executives of medium- and large-sized businesses, found that many respondents are now focused on increasing efficiencies in the supply chain, reducing costs and improving customer interfaces. Consequently, about half have realized faster lead times, improved market and customer access, and overall cost reductions.

Nearly 50 percent of the cohort felt digitalization could improve data analysis the most, followed by automation and the improvement and integration of data management.

However, there is a considerable discrepancy between the expected digital revolution and the actual progress of implementation. “There is still a huge potential to improve beyond what many have done thus far in process automation,” Jenner said.

To succeed, companies must get leadership’s support — including the CEO — to create stable and secure digital solutions and digitalize across corporate functions. Not surprisingly, barriers include a lack of qualified staff, the technical infrastructure and security concerns.

Collaboration and Co-innovation

Jenner stressed the need for collaboration, and Anthony DiPrinzio agreed. DiPrinzio is the digital innovation manager and head of the blockchain lab for BASF, a Germany-based chemical company.

Collaboration isn’t confined to employees. Open innovation means that multiple partners — such as government entities, suppliers and customers — can provide input to develop new products.

Blockchain technology can facilitate the process. The underlying technology behind the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, blockchain is a distributed — versus a central — database. Blockchains can facilitate data transfers between suppliers or even competitors.

“The really important thing is that blockchain is not controlled by any central agency,”DiPrinzio noted. “It’s a method of storing data among multiple parties that ensures data integrity. Data that is committed to the blockchain can’t be changed.”

Each year, BASF runs an idea-thon that uses a blockchain system with videos and interactive modules to help users flesh out ideas and validate them. Some of the program committee members who review the submissions come from outside BASF.

“By engaging in open innovation, not only will you get expertise from external collaborators, but you can also find other markets,” DiPrinzio said.

ChemTech Conference Attendees Learned the Future is Now

Attendees at the conference included companies that facilitate the digital transformation process. Anne Froble, sales director in the Microsoft Northeast Region, discussed how change often comes from customer demand or dissatisfaction.

Carlsberg Beer upped its need to deliver new flavors by digitizing the input of employees outside R&D. The company also put IoT sensors on lab equipment to create flavor-profile models that reflect the trends. Carlsberg used bots — software applications that run automated tasks over the internet — to enhance collaboration.

IoT sensors on espresso machines helped Starbucks track the maintenance issues that disrupted service. With trends in hand, Starbucks could schedule preventative maintenance.

Microsoft technology also lets companies create “digital twins.” When Unilever wanted to improve consistency and quality, for instance, it made a digital replica of a manufacturing facility. Simulating a change produced virtual results. The technology can also help with disaster planning.

What about a human? Forbes showed a video of the vice president of marketing for Azure, Microsoft’s cloud computing service, whose digital twin delivered a keynote address in perfect Japanese — although the vice president does not speak it.

The ChemTech Conference also featured workshops, roundtable discussions and networking. No matter the event, conversations often turned to the need for talent, cybersecurity, blockchain and collaboration.

“It crossed industry, regardless of whether you were in ag, bioscience or advanced manufacturing,” said Dora Cheatham, executive director of DESCA. “The challenges are similar. We were excited about the level of the people who attended. They are digital transformation leaders.”

Based on feedback, DESCA plans to conduct another ChemTech Conference 2021 next year.

For more information on DESCA, visit

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Compact Membrane Systems CEO Erica Nemser on Supercharging Science

Compact Membrane Systems CEO Erica Nemser on Supercharging Science


There may be no better place on Earth to start a chemtech company than Delaware. Delaware has great raw materials – from talent to legacy and new infrastructure – but this doesn’t mean that these raw materials can be easily synthesized into the next generation of great businesses. It takes more.

Meanwhile, Delaware seems to be hotbed of science-based companies starting up right now, and I get asked a lot of questions about building companies in chemtech. In the hope of accelerating the development of more successful upstarts, I want to take an opportunity to share some perspectives that might not be obvious to the great scientists that populate the state.

So, what does it take to build a great science-based company? Some ideas to factor into your thinking:

  1. Great science.
    No surprise here. Most scientists and engineers would agree. Everyone in Delaware believes this (at least most of them do).

Now I am going to go a little rogue on the science-driven idea and science-driven company. And maybe even say something heretical for the scientists in Delaware

Message 1:  If you just have great science, you don’t have anything yet. You will need to turn your science into:

  • A great technology and a great product (e.g., easy to use, 5x better than any alternative, serves an unmet need)

The skills to manage this process are very different from those of being a great, brilliant scientist or engineer.  These are process managers, designers, people leaders and agile translators of customer needs and desires into development programs. They are visionary, practical and ruthless prioritizers focused on the end game

For commercial success, you will need:

  • Market penetration: A big market, strong value proposition, early adopters, defensible position.

Once again, a different group entirely. These are folks that are close to the customer, skilled at business development, capable of market sizing and adept at the finance of taking risks and placing bets to build market adoption. Like scientists, they have the skills of experimentation, but deployed in an entirely different way. 

Message 2:  Having a specialized, diversified team (not similar people with different titles) is a team mix that can drive to a successful outcome. Finding these people early and building the team from the ground up strengthens the learning and institutional knowledge as the company grows. Yes, everyone will need to be a Swiss Army knife to some degree – pulling on different skills for a variety of different tasks – and each person will wear many hats when the team is small. But a breadth of expertise and experience will help the company to see around corners and accomplish more faster with fewer missteps

What I have seen is that a team of all scientist and engineers is not effective (even if some have titles like CEO) because it is focused on narrow set of technical challenges – and not a complete set. Such a team is unlikely to be successful because it lacks a breadth and depth of experience in critical areas. It will be slow as everyone has to learn, it will be painful as the team and company make mistakes and moves in fits and starts, and, in five years, a science-driven team is likely to still be in the lab pivoting on ideas, because it lacks key commercial inputs.

Message 3:  It’s not a linear process. You can’t do the science, then the technology, product, market, partners, customers in that order. It’s a parallel kickoff, then circular process of learning and iteration. Customer insight from the start guides the priorities in the lab. Remember that you are building a product for a customer in the market – not for people like you. Similarly, the company needs market insight, long-term partners (at least to be on their radar) and manufacturing insights from the get-go in order to build your product and value proposition. Then you iterate on all of them.

So, my parting thoughts – my message to the founder scientist:

Message 4:  Go get the rest of your specialized team RIGHT NOW. Don’t let the tyranny of whatever urgent task you have get in the way of the important task of building your team. And remember: the people you are looking for won’t be like you (and, no, a scientist who took a finance class doesn’t count). That is the idea: they will know different things, come from different industries and think differently. They will fill in your gaps. They will make you a better scientist – believe it or not. Their insights will shape your thinking and your work for the better. And you will have a better product and a better company.

Message 5:  (OK, it’s a bonus message) Scientists: Think hard before you decide to be the CEO of your company. It is a rare person with the skill and passion to make the transition from expert, best-in-class scientist to expert, best-in-class CEO. (If you are now listing names, it’s validating how short the list is.) Your company, your shareholders, your products and your customers are probably better served by you using your existing scientific expertise 100 percent of your time. Guide the ship as the scientist and leverage someone else’s expert powers in the CEO seat.

And remember, no matter what happens: It’s never as good or as bad as you first think. Good luck!

Article ©2020 by Erica Nemser, CEO, Compact Membrane Systems Inc., Wilmington, Delaware.

Hear more from Erica Nemser and learn about the innovations her company is making in Delaware. Take a look at this DPP video.

Kurt Foreman


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